The 1st International Educational Event VITA NOVA was held on 18 September 2009 in a Congress Hall of the Park Inn Danube Hotel in Bratislava under the auspices of the Healthcare Minister of SR MUDr. Richard Raši.

Scientific Program 2009

Dr. Michel Rio (France)Du HMG au Gonadotrophines recombinantes; Quelle place pour la LH?
Dr. Colin M. Howles, PhD., FRSM. (Great Britain)Treatment Individualisation: the new paradigm
Dr. Helmy A. Selman, PhD. (Italy)Basic and clinical corelates of FSH structure
Prof. Dr. János Urbancsek, MD., DSc. (Hungary)What’s the principle for selecting u-FSH or r-FSH in ART: recent clinical evidences in women undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation for ICSI
Dr. Carlo Alviggi, MD., PhD. (Italy)Controlled ovarian stimulation in IVF/ICSI cycles: who needs LH?
MUDr. Peter Harbulák (Slovakia)
Role of LH in stimulation protocols in IVF cycles
Ing. Iveta Konýčková (Slovakia)Consequence of ovarian stimulation on oocytes’ and embryos’ quality in IVF
MUDr. Iveta Stenová (Slovakia)Diagnostics and sterility treatment in gynaecological practice
MUDr. Vladimír Mišanko (Slovakia)Diagnostics and sterility treatment in urological practice
MUDr. Zuzana Behúňová (Slovakia)Management of sterile couple prior to IVF cycle
Doc. MUDr. Tibor Bielik, PhD. (Slovakia)Endoscopic procedures in diagnostics and treatment of sterility
MUDr. Mikuláš Redecha (Slovakia)Embolisation of myomas and sterility
MVDr. Gabriela Iľková, PhD. (Slovakia)Management of sterile couple - view of embryologist