The 6th International Educational Event VITA NOVA was held on 19.-20. September 2019
in a Congress Hall of the Radisson Carlton BLU Hotel in Bratislava.

Scientific Program

Thursday 19. 9. 2019

BLOCK 1 - European Symposium – Embryologic Block

Giovanni Coticchio (Italy)Legacy and future of embryo science: the Bratislava ESHRE campus
Maria José de los Santos (Spain)Risk management and human errors in IVF
Jakub Horák (Czech Republic)New trends in preimplantation genetic testing and selecting embryos suitable for transfer
Jiří Rubeš (Czech Republic)
Effects of male age on sperm quality

BLOCK 2 - European Symposium – Clinical Block

Colin Howles (Switzerland)Drug Development in Reproductive Medicine: Where are we today?
Carlo Alviggi (Italy)The Poseidon classification for low prognosis patients
Peter Humaidan (Denmark)Individualized luteal phase support – the future of ART?
David Rumpík (Czech Republic)Predictability of ovarian response to FSH stimulation
Friday 20. 9. 2019

BLOCK 1 - Current Methods In Infertility Treatment

Lenka Rybánska (Slovakia)Reduced ovarian reserve and ovarian insufficiency in clinical practice
Martina Cuľbová (Slovakia)FET as the first transfer
Silvia Toporcerová (Slovakia)Optimal management of infertility in women over 39
Ján Podoba (Slovakia)Thyroid gland and pregnancy

BLOCK 2 - Symposium Of The Section Of Assisted Reproduction
Of The Slovak Society Of Gynecology And Obstetrics

Igor Bartl (Slovakia)Male infertility from the andrologist’s perspectivetreatment of infertility in Slovakia
Peter Harbulák, Martin Pustaj (Slovakia)Male infertility from the perspective of the Centre of Assisted Reproduction
Alexander Brešťanský, Hana Habanová (Slovakia)Ultrasound in the diagnosis of infertility

BLOCK 3 - Interclinic Disciplines

Iveta Švecová (Slovakia)The role of estrogens in assisted reproduction
Katarína Bergendiová (Slovakia)Reproductive immunology – new knowledge and trends
Monika Drakulová (Slovakia)Hematologic puzzles in infertility treatment

BLOCK 4 - Sonography, Prenatal Diagnosis And Fetal Medicine

Róbert Dankovčík (Slovakia)Orofacial clefts: diagnosis and management
Anton Čunderlík (Slovakia)Diagnosis of multiple pregnancy – what do we forget with it?
Vladimír Ferianec (Slovakia)Amniopatch after spontaneous previable rupture of membranes improves perinatal outcomes
Marián Križko, Jr. (Slovakia)The management of pregnancy of unknown location
Martin Gábor (Slovakia)Prenatal diagnosis of congenital GIT defects
Ivana Kunochová (Slovakia)The value of cordocentesis in the current management of intrauterine patient

Abstracts VITA NOVA 2019